Sunday, July 17, 2016

Exploring Raleigh

Parker and I spent our first week together in our new temporary home in Raleigh. On Friday, at the end of a long week, we planned to build a storage cabinet for the garage. It was a hot day and we knew it was going to be a tough job. So we started off by eating ice cream. :) I figured that we would feel like going out after working in the heat all afternoon. I captured this image of Parker eating ice cream at the Dairy Depot near his school where I picked him up early. 

After we got Parker cleaned up from his cone, we tackled the cabinet. We were both sweaty and tired from working so hard so we took showers and ordered pizza. All-in-all, it was a great first week in Raleigh. I think we are going to like it here. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

We moved to North Carolina!

I was going to blog about our trip from Katy to Wake Forest last week while we were on the road, but the days were long and I was tired.

To sum up our experience, we left Katy on Thursday afternoon and made it to Denham Springs before stopping. P-man was good. He helped me pack the u-haul before we left and kept himself occupied when we were in the truck. 

The next day we woke up early and hit the road. We made it quite a ways on Friday, stopping often to stretch and get gas or food and to pick up maps from the rest areas/welcome centers. We finally got a hotel in Suwannee, GA outside of Atlanta. That left us with about 6 hours of driving. 

We again got up early on Saturday and drove the rest of the way. We finally made it to North Carolina and got settled in to our temporary housing. We had Sunday to have fun and we did. We built Legos, Parker played with some of the neighbor kids and we went to the pool. We finished off he day by getting ice cream but Parker fell asleep on the way to the ice cream store. He was pooped!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Parker's first MLB game

Parker and I decided to go to the Astros' game last night since his football activities were cancelled on Saturday due to the recent flooding in most of Houston. They played the Boston Red Sox and lost 6-2, but we had fun. 

After the game, they had fireworks which are always cool. We will definitely go to another MLB game soon depending on where we end up.

Here are some of the pics I took of our time at the ballpark. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Getting better at drawing

Parker continues to improve his art skills. He has really become better at drawing just by looking at something and trying to capture it in pencil especially. Take a look at Parker's homework assignment from last night. 

I really captured the illustration from the book pretty well. I doubt that I could do much better. I am sure with continued practice and encouragement, he will become a really great artist. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Parker as an old man

Today is the 100th day of school. Kids were asked to dress up to show what they will look like when they are older. Parker chose sparkly grey hair, a cane, and a pill pack. He may be pretty close in his prediction. :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

At the airshow

Parker and I spent most of Sunday last week at the Wings Over Houston airshow at Ellington Field. It was a lot of fun. Parker liked the bounce houses, fire trucks, and boats. I liked the helicopters and the Breitling Jet team. They were amazing. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Parker lost his first tooth

While Parker has been missing his top two front teeth for some time, that was only because the dentist had to pull them. He had fallen at school and hit his mouth pretty hard one day and although his teeth weren't visibly damaged, there was nerve damage that occurred. 

After a few months, the teeth started turning brown and looking crooked. The dentist recommended removing them so the new ones could grow in properly. So that's what we did. 

But this past Monday, Parker lost his first tooth on his own. He bit into an apple and the already loose tooth became extremely loose. It didn't take much to help it the rest of the way. 

Parker was a big boy and was rewarded with $4 from the tooth fairy. Check out his new smile.