Sunday, September 13, 2009

Parker No Likey the Shots

So last Friday we took Parker to get his first set of shots in a series of three. He is just over two months old and these shots are recommended to be given at two, four, and again at six months old. Oh boy... the next few doctor's visits should be fun. Here are some videos I took that I believe are self explanatory.

Prior to the trip to the doctor's office:

The first vaccine was an oral syrupy fluid:

The next few vaccines were... well, you can see for yourself:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tyson, Still not Sure

Part of the morning ritual is to feed the baby. Typically, Christen will put him in his Boppy pillow on the bed while she makes the bottle. Then she just feeds him while he lays in the Boppy because it holds him at the proper angle. This morning, Tyson and I watched Parker while Christen made the bottle. Of course Parker was crying as he usually does when he is hungry, and Tyson wasn't sure what was going on. He's been good with the baby, but I think he still isn't sure what this thing is.