Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rooting for Auburn! War Eagle, Hey!

Parker is all set for tonight's football game against Kentucky. Yeah, I know, Kentucky isn't a perennial powerhouse like next week's opponent, LSU, but that's no reason not to get all dressed up and root for the team! Below are some pictures from Parker's pre-game activities, which include eating, sleeping, and... well, you know! :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Play Time for Parker

A few weekends ago, we went to the Gymboree Gym near the Galleria in Houston. They offer a free trial of their playtime service, so we took advantage of the offer. We got there about 15 minutes early and we signed in. Then we got Parker ready to have fun. They laid out a small parachute and we all placed our little ones on a blanket on the parachute. The facilitator sang songs and lead activities like blowing bubbles, clapping, and snapping. Parker seemed to like it and he definitely liked watching some of the other babies. We plan to go back if we can find a more convenient time and location for his classes. The Galleria area is kind of hard to navigate on Saturdays. Below are some pictures I took with my iPhone of the days events.