Friday, November 27, 2009

In the Jumperoo!

Here is a quick video post of Parker in his cousins' Jumperoo. The kids' voices you hear in the background are his cousins and the other random noises are his aunt and uncle cleaning up the kitchen after tearing into some Thanksgiving Day leftovers.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Parker's 1st Thanksgiving

Well, Parker's first Thanksgiving was full of new experiences. Some of his firsts included:
  1. His first time to North Carolina
  2. His first time to fly in a plane
  3. His first time to see his cousins on his mother's side of the family
The plane ride was a little over 2 hours long and luckily he slept the entire time. Parker was fussy a little while were sitting at the gate waiting to board the plane, but other than that, it was an uneventful trip. Hopefully the ride home goes as smoothly.

I brought my camera along on this trip, so I should have some good pictures to post in the next few days, but for now these pictures I snapped with my iPhone will have to do.

Parker is buckled into his aunt's car seat as we made our way to Target to pick up some essentials like diapers, formula, and wipes.

Parker is sitting in his cousin's Dora the Explorer chair. He is wearing his "Baby's 1st Thanksgiving outfit".