Monday, March 29, 2010

How cool is this kid?

This is a picture of Parker and me thar my sister captured with her iPhone this past Saturday. I love it so much, it is my new iPhone wallpaper. :)

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Parker and the Easter Bunny

Today Parker went to visit the Easter Bunny at the Memorial City mall. Although we got there a few minutes after they opened, it still took about an hour to get through the line. Parker was a trooper though, no crying, no fussing, and no puke on the Easter outfit! Check out the results...

A lazy Sunday

Parker, after just having been fed, laid down in the living room to take a nap. Tyson, still wet from his bath, decided to join him.

Friday, March 26, 2010

In the ER!

Parker has some significant congestion in his chest. We are at the emergency room at Christus St. Catherines hospital awaiting chest x-rays. Hopefully it isn't anything serious. We'll keep you posted.

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A fun-filled weekend!

This weekend Parker had a lot of fun. First, we went to the Gymboree Gym. He loves seeing all his friends and playing on all the equipment. Today's activity was to try to problem solve about how to get something that was out of reach or behind something else. Parker still can't crawl, but you can see that he is trying.

Next, Parker got to go to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. He saw a bunch of people and had a lot of fun at the petting zoo and the farmer's market. Parker got to ride on a carousel and even tried on a few cowboy hats. At the end of the day, he was very tired and slept really well.

On Sunday, Parker helped dad with the taxes.

At the rodeo

A quick pic from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Parker was trying on cowboy hats.

- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My new backpack

Parker and I tested out the backpack Grandma Hogan gave us as a baby shower gift. I think he likes it! I know I do. It's much nicer than carrying him around in my arms. He gets really heavy after a while. :)