Sunday, April 25, 2010

Parker's crawling ability is improving

While he is not crawling on all fours, Parker is much more capable of getting around on his own. He does what we know in the Army as a "low crawl". This will be handy if he ever needs to slip under enemy razor wire or if there is incoming machine gun fire from enemy bunkers up ahead. Either way, Parker is ready. Check him out!

Out shopping

Just a quick post while the P-man and I are out shopping. It's a beautiful day today. We are getting a lot of use out of our backpack.

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Parker is learning to crawl

Parker has made some progress in the last few weeks. He is begining to crawl. Right now it is more of a series of lunges, but it's a start. Yesterday at Gymboree he showed off his new talent to everyone there. Check out his form!

Later that afternoon, I assembled his new toy. It's a car, but it rides more like a motorcycle, and since I just got a new motorcycle, that is what we call it. :) Anyway, he tried it out a little this morning after breakfast and I think he likes it. Watch him in action!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Welcome Fergie to the family

In case you haven't heard, we have a new member in the family, Fergie. She is a Fergalicious 2004 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy! I bought her in Seattle to use as transportation when I am there for work. So far, I have only been able to ride her a few times. It is still the rainy season there. I am hoping this summer will provide quite a few riding opportunities. :)