Sunday, May 30, 2010

Parker in the pool

Parker took his first trip to San Antonio this Memorial Day weekend. The first thing we did when we checked into the hotel was hit the pool. Parker loves the pool!

More pictures and video from our San Antonio trip will be posted later this week once we get back to Houston.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Crawfish anyone?

When I ventured outside this morning to get the Sunday paper, I was greeted by my little friend here.

What do you do with a live crawfish on your front porch? I put him in the shade in the flower bed, but it didn't help. He baked in the 85 degree heat and died. So sad.

The ironic thing is I think he escaped from the backdoor neighbors yard yesterday as I believe they were having a crawfish boil. Well, he didn't get boiled alive, but I'm not sure he had it any easier than his breathren.

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That hair!

Parker gets a lot of looks when he is out and about. Most of the people that say something usually mention his curly hair. Today I was combing it while Parker was on my lap, but wanted to help. Here's a pic of Parker trying to comb his own hair.

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This week at Gymboree

This week's activity was things with air in them. Parker liked all the balls and the rubber duckies as you can see below.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

4 teeth and counting

Here is a picture I took this morning of Parker showing off his 4 teeth. He has a couple of more coming in soon. He is growing up so fast!

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

A week with Grandpa Watson

First, let me start by saying that Parker loves his taco meat! He takes after his dad and his grandpa in that regard. You mention the word meat around any of the Watson boys and our mouth immediately starts to water. Check out the damage that Parker can do to some taco meat left on his tray.

This week Grandpa Watson came to visit. He hadn't seen Parker since his was three weeks old when we took a trip to Gulf Shores, Alabama for the family reunion last summer. He has grown quite a bit since then. Grandpa was so happy to spend time with Parker. We took him to the doctor to get his eyes checked out and we had a bunch of fun playing with all of his toys. Granpda even got to feed Parker a bottle.

It was such a busy with with Grandpa visiting that Parker was pooped by mid afternoon after his visit to the eye doctor. Grandpa and Parker played while dad worked in his home office. Parker took a quick power nap so that he would be ready for dinner and a night of more playing since Grandpa was leaving on Friday.

Grandpa bought some new shoes while he was visiting and Parker thought it would be fun to play in with the boxes he left behind. We played boat in the hallway after Grandpa left.

After having his fill of the "boat", Parker when on the offensive. He wanted to play with the lanyard on the camera. Parker loves strings, cords, or anything that dangles. This could be dangerous as he learns to crawl more quickly or, worse yet, walk.

We had a lot of fun with Grandpa. Thanks for making the trip! We love you and we can't wait to see you again soon!