Sunday, October 10, 2010

Parker visits Dewberry Farm

This past Saturday, Parker took his parents to Dewberry Farm, located a few miles north of Brookshire (about 20 minutes from the house). It is a neat farm-like place that has a bunch of fall activities mainly geared towards kids. Parker got to visit the petting zoo and see a lot of animals including bunnies, goats, cows, chickens, horses, and ducks.

Parker had a lot of fun riding on the "corn train", which was a series of 55 gallon drums on wheels pulled behind a tractor. It was dusty, but it was a blast. As you can see from the next three photos.

After riding the corn train twice, once with mommy and once with daddy; Parker wanted to take a break. We sat on the hay in some shade while we had a drink. Parker watched all the kids playing on the rope swings, wishing that he was just a little bigger so he could partake in the fun.

After doing some other fun stuff like riding a real pony and sliding down a tall slide with daddy, Parker took off in a corn maze. As you can see from the photo below, he fell a few times because the ground was quite uneven, but he didn't cry or get upset. He just got back up and kept on truckin'.