Friday, December 24, 2010

Portrait sessions

Despite being a semi-professional photographer, I will admit that sometimes it is nice to have someone else take pictures of your kid so you can just sit back and try to make him smile for the camera. Well, that is just what Christen did over the last few weeks. The first two photos below are from a portrait session at Sears. Yeah, I know, but you can't argue with the results. Parker appears to be enjoying the spot light in both photos. The third in the series is from school. Although the props are a little cheesy, he does look cute... even if I say so myself. :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Learning to eat with utensils

Parker has been working hard to learn to eat with utensils. He started with a spoon a few weeks ago and he just recently introduced the fork. Check out his wicked skills!

A visit to the aquarium

Parker loved seeing all the fish this past weekend at the Houston Downtown Aquarium. Check out some of the pictures of him in action, soaking it all in. :)

Here's my favorite one... of course, I am a little biased. ;)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Swimin' with the fishes

Well, we didn't exactly swim with the fishes, but Santa did. We had breakfast with Santa today at the Houston Aquarium. Check out Santa and his helper elf behind Parker and Ms. Claus. Parker loved looking at all the fish. He got to see sharks, stingrays, eels, and a bunch of other types of fish. We ate sausage, bananas, eggs, waffles, pancakes, chicken fried steak, and bacon. Boy was it good!