Monday, April 25, 2011

Parker loves the arcade

This morning after breakfast and before we went to the water park, we stopped by the arcade. Parker was disappointed to find that it wasn't open yet. We stared at it for a while before he was ready to leave. I promised we would go back... and we did.

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Table manners

Parker is still working on his table manners. This is how he uses the napkin.

After much coaching, he finally got the hang of it.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Parker on the choo choo

Today, we decided to take the Grapevine Vintage Rail Road. We sat in the open air section of the train. We are just about to depart. We will let you know what Parker thinks after the ride.

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My new jewelry

One thing that I thought was really cool at Great Wolf Lodge is the wrist bracelets they provide at check-in. They are not just for getting into the water park area, they also have a computer chip in them and they unlock your room door. That right, they are a replacement for the card key that most hotels provide. No more keeping track of that card. This key is always with me. :)

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Parker phone home

Good thing we are at an expensive water park lodge, because Parker hates the water, but loves the phone.

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A magical time

I didn't realize this before arriving, but the Great Wolf Lodge hosts a game called MagicQuest, in which you have to navigate the lodge with your wand and uncover clues. Kind of like a scavenger hunt. The gift shop downstairs has a bunch of magic wands and accoutrements. I'm sure this can get pretty expensive.

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All wet!

Well, Parker wasn't too sure about all the splashing and spraying. He cried most of the time. We are going to try again this afternoon. Here is a picture of Parker and his dada taking a break for lunch.

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Our first day at Great Wolf Lodge

Parker is ready to go to the water park this morning. He is dressed in his Toy Story swimsuit and carbo loading on juice. :) We will post more pictures throughout the weekend.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Here are some still pictures from our adventures at Kemah yesterday. We visited the petting zoo, the pony rides, and many of the rides that are always featured at Kemah. Parker had a lot of fun, but by the end of the day, he was very tired and let us know about it. He went to bed fairly easily, falling asleep in my arms after only 10 minutes of rocking him while listening to his lullaby CD. Check out all the fun stuff he got to do!

Not too sure about the fountain

Yesterday Parker got to go to the Kemah Boardwalk for a kids festival. They had a petting zoo, pony rides, and a bunch of other fun stuff geared towards kids. Here's a quick video of Parker checking out the fountain that a lot of kids were playing. You can see he is intrigued by the water, but in this case, the fountain doesn't come on while he is near. In a previous attempt, Parker was hit by some water splashing off of other kids and he immediately ran back out of range to watch them play from relative safety.

Monday, April 4, 2011

iPhone... fail! :(

It looks like I will be getting a new iPhone earlier than I had planned. I was waiting for the iPhone 5 to come out this summer, but I don't think I am going to make it. Oh well, I had $300 burning a hole in my pocket anyway. Thank goodness I now have something to spend it on. ;)

Be the ball, Parker... be the ball!

Parker got to see his first professional sporting event yesterday. He went to the Shell Houston Open and watched Phil Mickleson win by three strokes. Although I couldn't take a camera into the event (PGA Tour policy), I was able to capture some images of Parker having fun in the backyard before heading to Redstone Golf Course. I bought him this adorable outfit on Saturday specifically for the event. Cheers!