Sunday, May 22, 2011

Parker at the beach

On Saturday, we went to Galveston Beach to play in the sand and water. Parker didn't like the water too much, but he loved all the sand. It was the biggest sandbox he had ever seen. :)

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Parker's new words

Well, Parker is saying a lot of new things. Everyday he seems to impress me with his vocabulary. Check out this demonstration of vocal talent!

My shoes

Parker was trying to fill some big shoes today.. mine! Check it out!

Here is a video of one of his best efforts.

The cutest video

This is what I consider the cutest video of Parker that I have. It is of him playing with the (disconnected) hotel room phone at the Great Wolf Lodge over the Easter holiday. I crack up every time I watch this. He is so doggone cute!

Parker's real train ride

Here is the video I shot of Parker's first real train ride. It was on the Grapevine Vintage Rail Road over the Easter holiday.