Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fathers' Day lunch 2011

Parker and I enjoyed BBQ at his school on Friday. It was fun and delicious!

- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The most important meal of the day

People say that breakfast is the most importation meal of the day. Obviously, Parker thinks so. Here you can see him chowing down on a kolache.

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Parker was a fireman today!

Today at Gymboree was pretend to be a fireman day. Parker loved playing with all the pretend fireman things like a ladder to rescue a kitten stuck in a tree, a pole to slide down to get to the fire truck, and a fire truck that took the pretend fireman to the fire.

Here is a quick pic of Parker and I trying on hats.

Here is a video of Parker steering the fire truck. Sorry for the unstable image, I was trying to keep up with him. :)