Monday, September 12, 2011

Policeman Parker

Parker thought driving the police car was great. I'm not sure how he was able to see over the dashboard though.

- Posted from my iPhone

Parker playing with gears

Here's another picture of Parker last week at the Children's Museum playing with some gears that were magnetically attached to the table. He thought it was cool to make them spin around really fast as you can see in this photo.

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, September 5, 2011

My new iPhone photo app

Check out my new app. It has some really cool effects. This is from our trip to the Houston Children's Museum yesterday.

- Posted from my iPhone

A couple quick videos

I've been super busy at work, so I haven't posted as much as I have wanted to. But here a couple of quick videos that I thought you might like. The first one is of Parker saying his alphabet.

The second video is of Parker reading to himself one night before bed. The book he is reading is Pet Shop Lullaby.