Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dora bandaid

Parker tends to get a lot of boo boos. Mainly on his head and mainly because he trips over his own feet, falls into some inanimate object, or simply runs into something hard. Whatever the reason, he seems to get a lot of bumps and bruises. I guess that is part of being a 2-year old boy. One thing he likes about those bumps is that he sometimes gets to wear Dora the Explorer bandaids. He is so proud of his bandaids that he usually doesn't want take them off. Check out this image I captured before bedtime one night of Parker after sustaining a minor head injury at school earlier in the day. Dora made him feel all better!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Looking stylish

Here is one of the many great shots I took of Parker out in the backyard earlier this afternoon. Doesn't he look adorable in his stylish cap and matching shorts? I will upload more, but I am headed back out to Seattle tomorrow for the week, so it will have to wait. Enjoy!