Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Shopping for Jeremiah

I picked up an Angel card last week from my office before I got on the plane to head back to Houston. So yesterday I took Parker out to go shopping for the child. His name is Jeremiah and he lives with his mom in a woman's shelter. Parker understands that he doesn't have a daddy.  He was so excited to help me pick something out for Jeremiah. And he got to eat the candy cane that was attached.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Still not too sure about Santa

Parker is still not too sure about Santa.  This is his fourth visit to see him, but as you can see, he didn't really want to be there.  Maybe next year!

Results from my new Blackbird, Fly plastic camera

Here are some of the prints from the first roll of film I used in my new Blackbird, Fly camera that my sister got me for my birthday.  It's pretty fun to use.  I will be posting some pictures from my other new camera soon...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Racking up tickets

Parker is racking up tickets. Luckily, not the kind that get you in trouble with the law. Rather, the kind that can win you prizes at Chuck E Cheese's. 

Parker at Chuck E Cheese

Parker can't get enough of his games. Check him out having fun at CEC this morning. I know it doesn't look like it, but he is having a ton of fun. :)


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Parker at the playground

Well it's 80 degrees in Houston even though it is early December. Parker and I are in shorts and enjoying the day at the playground. Here is a pic from my new Windows Phone.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Funny pictures

While waiting for a pizza at the local Double Dave's Pizza Works store, I decided to take advantage of a photo booth that advertised funny pictures.  Below is the result of my efforts. :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

BBQ is mmm... mmm... good

Parker loves BBQ! One of his favorite places is Spring Creek, but the other day he got to try out a new place called Red River. Here you can see Parker enjoying corn (as evidenced by the kernel pieces on his chin) and okra, which he pronounces okrow. The only thing Red River doesn't have that Spring Creek does is fresh, hot rolls. Parker loves rolls!

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

On the boardwalk

I haven't been able to take really good pictures of Parker lately, so I decided yesterday was the day.  We got up early in the morning and went out to an area of the neighborhood where there is a boardwalk and some nice scenery before it got too hot.  Below are the results.  I hope you enjoy them!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Parker loves baseball

Here are some videos of Parker and I playing baseball, or as he likes to call it "bat and ball".  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Being chauffeured is tough work

Here is shot I took of Parker riding in the back of my Acura on the way to somewhere.  Of course I was stopped at a light.  Ya, let's go with that.  :)  Seriously, though... Parker sure does have it tough!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The inflatable throne!

Parker got to sit in the inflatable birthday throne this past Saturday at Inflatable Katy.  He did pretty well given that a friend of his that had her party at this same place a few months ago cried hysterically when she was placed in the chair.  You see, it makes a lot of noise because the air compressor stays on so that it doesn't deflate while the child is sitting on it.

Anyway, after it was all over, I said, "Dada is so proud of you. You were such a big boy!"  Parker quietly replied, "I not cry like Reese."  I was surprised that he remembered that since it happened three months ago and we hadn't talked about it since.  He sure does have a good memory!

Monday, July 16, 2012

WrestleMania 2012

It was a close call this past Saturday at the Inflatable Katy bounce house off Mason Road.  It looked like Parker was going to dominate the match, until Anderson used all of his 40+ pounds to overcome Parker and pin him down for the count.

After it was all over, they brushed themselves off and sat down to enjoy pizza and cake!  Check back for details on the rematch...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fun with my iPad

I am watching Parker fight taking a nap on the baby monitor and I decided to play around with one of my many image editing apps on my iPad. Here is the result. I hope you like it.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Parker is cool!

I took this today at one of the many pools near the house.

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Here are some quick pics of Parker trying his hand at golf at a new Sports Authority that opened up around the corner.

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Parker's school pictures

Here are all of Parker's latest school pictures.  You can actually download them right from this blog post by clicking on the image you want to make it full size, then right clicking and saving it to your hard drive. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Parker playing with photo booth

Parker loves to play with the iPad. It's one of the things that can be offered (or withheld) to make sure he listens, behaves, and acts nice. The other day, he got ahold of Christen's iPad 2, which has a front facing camera on it. One of the built-in apps is called Photo Booth. It does exactly what you would expect it to, it simulates a photo booth. There are a lot of funny distortions you can select as well. Obviously, Parker was able to find the "mirror" function and he took this picture of himself in his room before going to bed.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Checking out the fire engines

On Saturday, on the way back from Gymboree, Parker and I saw some fire engines in a big parking lot at what looked like a public event of some sort. So we stopped and checked them out. I snapped these pictures while we were there.

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, February 19, 2012

We love the zoo!

Here are some of the great pictures I took of Parker at the zoo today. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Parker's digital art

One of the best diversions for Parker is playing with the iPad. The other day, I downloaded a new Bob the Builder app. Parker loves it. Below is a snapshot of one of the pictures he colored using the app. I think we have a budding artist. :)

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Having a fun Sunday

Parker and his dada decided to go have fun at the playground this morning after eating chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Parker liked the ladybug ride.

After he played, climbed, went down the slide, and rode his tricycle, he wanted some juice. So we took a break and had a drink.

After that, dada decided he needed to get his car washed. Parker went along for the ride. They went to a car wash that has a train theme. Parker liked looking at all the train stuff. Check him out looking at the warning gates at the car wash exit.

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Parker as a photog?

Yesterday at Gymboree, Parker got to pretend to be on a camping trip. The teacher brought out a lot of fun things that a camper might need during a trip in the woods. The two things Parker liked best was the camera and the binoculars. Check him out!

- Posted from my iPhone

Nearly stuck in Seattle

I am still spending most of my time in Seattle helping the state with their toll system. Most of the time, my travel is uneventful. I usually get first class and the planes are typically on time or close to on time. But last week a snow storm came though and changed all that. The worst of the storm was on Wednesday, but even on Thursday it was bad. I was delayed nearly four hours and my plane had to be de-iced. Check out some of the pictures I took while hanging around the airport.

- Posted from my iPhone