Sunday, January 22, 2012

Having a fun Sunday

Parker and his dada decided to go have fun at the playground this morning after eating chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Parker liked the ladybug ride.

After he played, climbed, went down the slide, and rode his tricycle, he wanted some juice. So we took a break and had a drink.

After that, dada decided he needed to get his car washed. Parker went along for the ride. They went to a car wash that has a train theme. Parker liked looking at all the train stuff. Check him out looking at the warning gates at the car wash exit.

- Posted from my iPhone

Parker as a photog?

Yesterday at Gymboree, Parker got to pretend to be on a camping trip. The teacher brought out a lot of fun things that a camper might need during a trip in the woods. The two things Parker liked best was the camera and the binoculars. Check him out!

- Posted from my iPhone

Nearly stuck in Seattle

I am still spending most of my time in Seattle helping the state with their toll system. Most of the time, my travel is uneventful. I usually get first class and the planes are typically on time or close to on time. But last week a snow storm came though and changed all that. The worst of the storm was on Wednesday, but even on Thursday it was bad. I was delayed nearly four hours and my plane had to be de-iced. Check out some of the pictures I took while hanging around the airport.

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, January 16, 2012

New utensils!

I bought Parker some new utensils the other day from an online company called Uncommon Goods. They have some really neat stuff, like these utensils. Each utensil is a different construction vehicle and there is a matching plate as well. I wasn't sure if Parker was going to like them, but he really does. He loves construction vehicles like bulldozers!

This past weekend, while I was in Seattle for work, I video chatted with Parker during dinner. I asked him to show me all his new utensils. Below is a sequence of screen shots I took from that video chat where he shows me each utensil individually, then together. The last two shots are of Parker actually using the utensils, then not so much. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Parker's new big boy bed

Parker hit a milestone this weekend. He is getting to the point where he was trying to climb out of his crib, so I reconfigured the crib into a toddler bed. This will be interesting. He normally does pretty well at night because he expends so much energy that he is usually tired. It is the naps in the middle of the day that I think will be hard. He just wants to go all out constantly and getting him to stop and lay down long enough to fall asleep to take a nap may prove challenging. Today was the first nap in his new bed. He actually fell asleep on the floor next to me as I gave him creepy mouse. Maybe next weekend he will actually fall asleep in the crib. We'll see!

Watching the Saints Win!

This is a picture of the Saints' two biggest fans, Parker and his dada, watching them beat the Detroit Lions last night! I think they won so handily because Parker held up two #1 fingers for them instead of just one. Way to go Saints! Let's win another superbowl!!!

Enjoying our 2nd Amendment Rights

Parker and I went to the gun show this morning to buy some spare clips and ammo for our arsenal. We were able to find some deals and walked away with a bag full of bullets. :) Of course, on the way back to the car, Parker had to stop off at the playground to burn some energy!