Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Parker playing with photo booth

Parker loves to play with the iPad. It's one of the things that can be offered (or withheld) to make sure he listens, behaves, and acts nice. The other day, he got ahold of Christen's iPad 2, which has a front facing camera on it. One of the built-in apps is called Photo Booth. It does exactly what you would expect it to, it simulates a photo booth. There are a lot of funny distortions you can select as well. Obviously, Parker was able to find the "mirror" function and he took this picture of himself in his room before going to bed.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Checking out the fire engines

On Saturday, on the way back from Gymboree, Parker and I saw some fire engines in a big parking lot at what looked like a public event of some sort. So we stopped and checked them out. I snapped these pictures while we were there.

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, February 19, 2012

We love the zoo!

Here are some of the great pictures I took of Parker at the zoo today. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Parker's digital art

One of the best diversions for Parker is playing with the iPad. The other day, I downloaded a new Bob the Builder app. Parker loves it. Below is a snapshot of one of the pictures he colored using the app. I think we have a budding artist. :)

- Posted from my iPhone