Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Shopping for Jeremiah

I picked up an Angel card last week from my office before I got on the plane to head back to Houston. So yesterday I took Parker out to go shopping for the child. His name is Jeremiah and he lives with his mom in a woman's shelter. Parker understands that he doesn't have a daddy.  He was so excited to help me pick something out for Jeremiah. And he got to eat the candy cane that was attached.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Still not too sure about Santa

Parker is still not too sure about Santa.  This is his fourth visit to see him, but as you can see, he didn't really want to be there.  Maybe next year!

Results from my new Blackbird, Fly plastic camera

Here are some of the prints from the first roll of film I used in my new Blackbird, Fly camera that my sister got me for my birthday.  It's pretty fun to use.  I will be posting some pictures from my other new camera soon...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Racking up tickets

Parker is racking up tickets. Luckily, not the kind that get you in trouble with the law. Rather, the kind that can win you prizes at Chuck E Cheese's. 

Parker at Chuck E Cheese

Parker can't get enough of his games. Check him out having fun at CEC this morning. I know it doesn't look like it, but he is having a ton of fun. :)


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Parker at the playground

Well it's 80 degrees in Houston even though it is early December. Parker and I are in shorts and enjoying the day at the playground. Here is a pic from my new Windows Phone.