Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Parker got some bubbles for early Easter. That same day (last Sunday) it was really windy. So I showed him how to hold the bubbles up in the wind so that he didn't have to blow. After he let about 100 bubbles pour out of the wand, he took off to pop them.

Everything P!

When I picked up Parker from school yesterday, we wanted to make sure to show me the P that was painted on the courtyard window. He's cute because when he sees a P, he usually says "Parker". He knows his name starts with a P and wants to point out every P he sees.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Parker's early Easter gift

Because dada will be in Seattle next weekend on the real Easter Sunday, we celebrated Easter a week early. This is one of the gifts Parker got in his basket. We built it this morning. It's a helicopter like his dada is learning to fly.