Monday, April 22, 2013

School Pics

Check out Parker's cute school pictures.  Although his hair and smile aren't the greatest in the middle picture, I do like his smile in the one on the left and I love how he looks so GQ in the image on the right.  I have tried to pose Parker before and I know how hard it must have been to get him to cross his legs and put his hand in his pocket like that. :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

1st teeth cleaning

Here are some shots of Parker at the dentist this morning. It was his 3rd trip to the dentist but his first cleaning and x-rays. He did very well, but we found out he is going to have to have one of his front teeth pulled because it is abscessed. :(

3rd time is a charm

The first year Parker was alive, we visited the Easter Bunny at the Memorial City mall.  He did pretty well for being 9 months old.  Below is the result of standing in line for over an hour. 

The next two years weren't as fruitful.  Parker threw a fit right as we walked up to sit in the Easter Bunny's lap in both 2011 and 2012.  Needless to say, we didn't get any pictures from either of those years.  But this year Parker did cooperate and the result is this great picture of him smiling despite the Spiderman bandaid on his forehead from falling the week prior.  I guess the 3rd time is a charm!