Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A good visit with Santa

Parker had a good visit with Santa this past weekend.  He climb up in the sleigh all by himself and he sat nicely by Santa and smiled really big.  Then Santa asked Parker what he wanted for Christmas.  The only thing Parker managed to tell him is that he wanted "a swirly lollipop".  Santa was quite surprised that was all he wanted.  After hearing from hundreds of kids earlier in the day who probably wanted all kinds of expensive toys, Parker just wanted a lollipop.  Don't get me wrong, Parker wants a bunch of toys too.  It is just funny that his one chance to tell Santa what he wanted and he choose the lollipop. :)

If you want to order any of the pictures that were taken, go to this http://ashleynostalgia.findyourpictures.com/ and select User ID SLC.  Then type the password 09000405.  Happy holidays!!!