Monday, December 29, 2014

My favorite thing

Parker made me what he called a card yesterday. He did it all by himself and only asked me how to spell things. I didn't know what he was doing and didn't make any suggestions. That's what makes this "card" so special. It is my favorite thing in the whole world. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Science experiments

Parker received a science experiment kit from his aunt Megan for Christmas. We tried the first experiment today. We put a cup of water higher than an empty cup. We then put a string between the two. After a few hours, the water had mostly moved from the full cup to the empty cup. Pretty cool. Thanks aunt Meg!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Parker's 1st hand-written Christmas list

Parker loves Legos.  So much so that the bulk of his Christmas wish list is... you guessed it... Legos. Here is the hand-written list that Parker developed the other day in the store with multiple Lego boxes strewn about.

I hope Santa can read Kindergarten!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A potential rock star?

Yesterday, Parker and I went to the Guitar  Center. I wanted to look at electronic drums for myself and I thought Parker might like to see and play the instruments. He took to the ukulele and the drums. My two favorite instruments. 

Parker being a gymnast

Parker had his first gymnastics lesson on Saturday. He seemed to like it although he said it was hard. They practiced the rings, pommel horse, parallel bar, and trampoline. They also did some tumbling. He wants to go again so we will see if he gets better.  I'm sure he will if he tries. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First day of the new school

Moving to Frisco requires going to yet another new school. I feel bad for the kid. He's been in four new schools in the last year. But he will survive. He's met a ton of people and had to learn different rules and schedules. So, to show him that I was proud of how well he has been doing with all the changes, I treated him to Cracker Barrel for breakfast on his first day at his current school, Primrose. 

Here's a few pics of him in his new environment. 

Hot Fort Worth summers

One of Parker's favorite things is to eat sno cones when it's hot. He first had one in Houston. And after moving to Fort Worth, he asked for them often. Of course it was always cherry flavor. 

Parker learns to fish

Before grandpa left to go back to New York, he taught Parker how to fish at the pond at Cabela's. Parker loved it. We will have to go back again soon. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Spending Father's Day with my son

Parker and I had a great time riding go karts and playing putt putt. 

We also got to open cards and gifts together. Parker helped with both my card and grandpa's card. This is how Parker opens cards...

It was a great day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I forgot the sky

This morning at drop off, we decided to do some art before Dada left on the big plane for work in Seattle. Of course, I decided to draw a helicopter. I even added clouds and a sun. But Parker reminded me that I forgot to draw the sky. So, he found a piece of blue chalk and added it for me. He is definitely a stickler for detail. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Farmer Parker

Check out Parker's first attempt at growing something. Seems like he has a green thumb. His is the bright yellow-green pot. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Parker Warhol?

The other day when I was dropping Parker off at school, he showed me his new art project. Know what it is? I had to ask too. It's a juice box. See the straw? That's where the juice comes out. I think we have a Warhol on our hands. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Popsicle stick fun

What do you do when you are under tornado watch? Make Popsicle stick arts and crafts of course. Check out the train and airplane. Dada glued the sticks together and Parker decorated them with jewels. He was sparing because "it was not a special bocassion", but they still look good. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Parker playing hopscotch

Can you believe how good Parker is at hopscotch even though he just learned how to do it 1 minute before this video was taken?

Monday, February 10, 2014

1st day at the new school

Parker started at his new school this morning. He gets to bring a lunch like a big boy. You can see him showing off his Spider-Man lunch tote below. He was a little apprehensive at first, but he warned up to the class quickly!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Parker is a photographer too!

Parker got a Playskool camera for Christmas and we had a lot of fun with it on Christmas Day.  Check out some of the pictures he took with it.

Ok, I took the last one.  :) It has some neat special effects you can apply to the image as you take it.  It is really cool!