Tuesday, October 20, 2015

At the airshow

Parker and I spent most of Sunday last week at the Wings Over Houston airshow at Ellington Field. It was a lot of fun. Parker liked the bounce houses, fire trucks, and boats. I liked the helicopters and the Breitling Jet team. They were amazing. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Parker lost his first tooth

While Parker has been missing his top two front teeth for some time, that was only because the dentist had to pull them. He had fallen at school and hit his mouth pretty hard one day and although his teeth weren't visibly damaged, there was nerve damage that occurred. 

After a few months, the teeth started turning brown and looking crooked. The dentist recommended removing them so the new ones could grow in properly. So that's what we did. 

But this past Monday, Parker lost his first tooth on his own. He bit into an apple and the already loose tooth became extremely loose. It didn't take much to help it the rest of the way. 

Parker was a big boy and was rewarded with $4 from the tooth fairy. Check out his new smile. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Parker's first front tooth

It is coming in! Parker's first front tooth, that is. Also known as an incisor, Parker's first front tooth is sneakily poking out of his gums behind his bottom right front baby tooth. The baby tooth is a little loose but it may still be a few weeks before it is ready to come out completely. Parker says he can feel the new tooth with his tongue. Initially he thought it was good stuck in his teeth so he had me look at it. I touched it and realized it was a new tooth. Everyday it pokes a little further out. In a few months it will be all the way out.  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

San Diego Vacation

Parker had a blast in San Diego. He got to go Legoland, the zoo, Sea World, and the beach. There was a ton more to do there, but we will have to go back.   Here are some pictures:

Parker also got to check out the Sheriff's museum. That was really cool as well. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Learning about film

The other day Parker and I went to the Johnson Space Center in Houston. I brought my old Minolta film camera. Parker loved taking pictures with it, but at first didn't understand why he couldn't see the picture after he took it. I think he will make a great photographer one day. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Block letters

Parker wrote me a note in block letters the other day at school. His teacher took a picture of it and he then decorated it with glitter glue. His teacher, Mrs. Frishman, was very impressed that he tried to sound out and spell Seattle without any prompting or help from her or the other staff at school.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Shake it like a permanent picture!

A while ago I showed Parker my fun Polaroid 300. It's the newer version of the old school Polaroid instamatic cameras where you had to "shake it like a Polaroid picture". Of course, you don't have to now, but the phrase was popularized by Outkast in their now iconic song Hey Ya!  Well, I didn't remind Parker of that, but when he took a picture of me the other day while at the zoo, he grab the photo and said...

Parker may be the next Dr. Seuss

Parker tried his hand at drawing a page out of a Dr. Seuss book. Pretty good, I'd say. But I'm probably a little biased. What do you think? Leave a comment on the blog. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Parker's first Mardi Gras parade

Parker witnessed his first Mardi Gras parade today in Galveston. He had a blast catching beads. By the end of the parade, he was a real pro.

100 days of school

Tuesday of this past week was 100 days of school. Parker made this shirt with 100 things on it all by himself.