Tuesday, June 28, 2016

We moved to North Carolina!

I was going to blog about our trip from Katy to Wake Forest last week while we were on the road, but the days were long and I was tired.

To sum up our experience, we left Katy on Thursday afternoon and made it to Denham Springs before stopping. P-man was good. He helped me pack the u-haul before we left and kept himself occupied when we were in the truck. 

The next day we woke up early and hit the road. We made it quite a ways on Friday, stopping often to stretch and get gas or food and to pick up maps from the rest areas/welcome centers. We finally got a hotel in Suwannee, GA outside of Atlanta. That left us with about 6 hours of driving. 

We again got up early on Saturday and drove the rest of the way. We finally made it to North Carolina and got settled in to our temporary housing. We had Sunday to have fun and we did. We built Legos, Parker played with some of the neighbor kids and we went to the pool. We finished off he day by getting ice cream but Parker fell asleep on the way to the ice cream store. He was pooped!