Saturday, July 18, 2009

What a Week!

Well, it has been almost an entire week since I last posted anything. A lot has happened in that week, which is part of the reason I couldn't update this blog like I wanted to. Anyway, Parker was finally able to come home on Wednesday. He had been off the IV for almost two days and his blood sugar had stabilized. That means that they didn't have to find a place to stick him again after the IV in his head fell out. But, they did have to remove and replace his feeding tube (from one nostril to the other) because he pulled his first one out. You can see in the picture below that the feeding tube is now in the right nostril whereas before it was in the left nostril.

But at least Parker started eating more regularly. Christen and I went to the hospital three to four times a day on Monday and Tuesday to check on him and feed him.

Once we finally got him home, he crashed in his Pack-n-Play. You can see from this picture that he is quite comfy in it.

Since then, we have been just trying to adjust to Parker's three hour sleep-eat schedule. It's been challenging so far, but we are up to the task. We will let you know how it goes in the weeks to come.


  1. He's the sweetest thing. I'm so happy he's home with y'all. Give him lots of kisses for me.

  2. He is so adorable, I just can't wait to meet him, hang in there - those first few weeks are rough but sooooo worth it!
