Sunday, August 9, 2009

At the Pool in Gulf Shores

Last week we took Parker on his first road trip, it was our biannual family reunion and we went to Gulf Shores, Alabama. He did pretty well... he slept most of the time. We started out on Saturday, August 1st and drove from our house to Beaumont, where we stopped off to visit my aunt and grandma. We had lunch at the Black Eyed Pea and then went back to my aunt's house to visit for a bit before getting back in the car for the trip to New Orleans. We stopped there for the night, at my sister's new place in the garden district.

Since we had to bring almost everything we own with us to support our little bundle of joy, it took several trips to unload the car and get set up for the night. Then we tried to get some rest for the remainder of the trip to Gulf Shores the next day. We were slightly successful. When we woke up, we decided to go to breakfast at Slim Goodies Diner on Magazine. It is a great place. If you are ever in that part of New Orleans and are looking for a good greasy spoon, this is it. Then we got on the road and made it to Gulf Shores about mid afternoon on Sunday, August 2nd.

While there we spent most of our time tending to Parker. We didn't make it to the beach, but we did sit out by the pool one afternoon and we even introduced Parker to the water. Here's some video my sister shot of his first pool experience.

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