Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fun at the Gymboree Gym

We made a trip to the Gymboree Gym today. This was Parker's first time to this gym. Now that he is 6 months old, he is eligible for classes at a gym that is closer that than the previous one we tried out. He had a lot more fun today because he is more aware of things and able to interact better than we he was younger. Below are some pictures and one video I took of our time at the gym.

Parker loves to be on his tummy now. Here he is on a half bean bag having a blast!

This was Parker at the top of a slide that he went down three times and loved it!

Here Parker is signing along with the group to one of the many nursery rhymes we sang.

Parker loves to be on his back and look up at people. He always laughs and smiles when we do this.

Below is the video of Parker on the half bean bag trying to figure out exactly what the heck is going on.

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