Monday, September 27, 2010

Baby proofing the house

Well, now that Parker is walking, he is getting into everything. As if he wasn't doing that before when he was crawling. But now it is slightly worse, because he can reach higher. Just this morning as I was moving the car seat from one car to the other, he proceeded to open the door to the garage and walk out into the driveway to see what I was doing. He is so curious. It's a little scary, but it is cute at the same time. Obviously, I don't want him to get hurt, but he just wanted to see what his daddy was doing. It makes my heart melt to see him so interested in what I am doing all the time. I love him so much!

So, that brings me to the point of this post. I spent some time a few weeks ago baby proofing some of the cabinets. It worked well. Some of the cabinets he used to open, like the one under the kitchen sink with all the cleaning supplies in it, is now locked from his little hands. He hasn't gotten too upset about it. He just tries to open the cabinet a few times and then moves on to something else when he can't do it.

Well, this past weekend I had to baby proof some doors. He knows how to open them as I mentioned in the opening paragraph. So, I put door locks on my office, the guest bathroom and the pantry. He isn't quite sure why he can't open those doors anymore, but like the cabinets, he just moves onto something else after he tries a few times. Below is a picture of the door locks I installed.

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