Sunday, February 13, 2011

Enjoying the great weather

It has been so cold in Houston lately, that most weekends meant doing things inside just to stay warm. The problem with that is, Parker loves to be outside and run around. It has a positive side effect too of getting him tired so that he will go to sleep early and wake up late. :)

Well, this weekend has been absolutely beautiful. Yesterday afternoon I thought it would be nice to get Parker dressed up in a cute outfit and take him to an open area around the community pool where he could go crazy exploring and having fun. It was late in the day, so the sun was only going to be up for about 30 minutes. But that was enough time to capture some really great shots of my little boy!

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A father's very special book

Parker loves to read. To tell the truth, he loves to look through books and find pictures of apples. Then he points at them, smiles, and says "Appoo". He is so cute when he does that. But I digress...

On a flight from Houston to Seattle one day, I watched the free movie Despicable Me. I didn't expect it to be that great, but it had Steve Carell in it and I love him in The Office, so I figured I would give it a shot. It was actually kind of cute. But the main thing that I took away from it was that the main character didn't like all of the lame kids books that he was asked to read before bed each night. So he made one himself and read it to the kids. It made me cry.

That very week, while in Seattle, I began working on my own book for Parker. It took me quite a while, but I finally finished it last week. Here is the cover of the one-of-a-kind book I made for Parker. We read it for the first time last night and he loved it. He kept looking through it even after I tried to get him to read some other books with me.

I love my little boy!

Hip-hop Parker

Parker got a new hat the other day. Now, you should know that he really doesn't like having things on his head yet. But, he did think it was funny the other night to run around the hallway with his new hat on sideways. Especially when I saw that one leg of his pants was up and one was down. It reminded me of some of the kids nowadays that are into hip-hop. The only thing that would have made it more realistic is for him to wear his pants below his waist. Although, I guess showing diaper isn't as cool as showing your underwear. :)