Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm no crocodile hunter

We found this on the back patio yesterday morning when Tyson went outside to eat. That's right, a snake! It was only about 12 inches long and barely as round as my pinky, but it was a snake none-the-less. At first I thought it was a stick because it was so straight. Then I thought it was dead because I tried to pick it up with a yard stick and it didn't move. But then... all of a sudden... it slithered a bit. I decided to use a broom and a dust pan to sweep it up into a tupperware container for safe transport to an open field some distance from the house. Later that morning, I set it free underneath a pine tree on some undeveloped land on the outskirts of town. Steve Irwin I am not!

Sears Portraits

We recently made a visit to the Sears Portrait Studio at the Memorial City Mall. We had a coupon and figured a few more images of the cutest kid in America wouldn't hurt. Although Parker didn't cooperate very much, the photographer was able to get a few good shots.

Parker's hat

The other day at school, the kids got to pick out a hat from a large selection the teachers had brought in. Parker picked one that looked like a construction worker's hardhat. Knowing how he likes to take things apart, I would guess he was thinking wrecking crew foreman! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I love you, mom!

I recently received this picture in the mail from my dad. I haven't looked through my old family photos recently. I've been really busy with work, Parker, and everything else, but that isn't an excuse.

This picture made me smile and cry at the same time. I miss my mom. I wish she was still alive. Today marks 18 years since she passed away. I remember that day a clearly even today. I am glad I had a good friend in David Baker to help me get from Auburn to Slidell that fateful Monday.

Dave, thanks for being such a great friend!

Mom, I love you!

Cynthia Jane Watson