Saturday, August 14, 2010

Parker's 1st Birthday

Well, I know it's been more than a month since the P-man's 1st birthday, but I am finally getting around to posting some pictures from the event. So, let's get right to it...

Sure it wasn't made by the Cake Boss, but Megan and I tried really hard to make Parker's first cake memorable AND tasty. I think we achieved both goals!

A pretty nice spread for a 1-year old. Heck, he didn't even know what was going on, but I bet he will be impressed when it gets older and sees these pictures or reads this blog.

Before we lit the candles on the cake and opened the presents, we all enjoyed some pizza. Parker had never had pizza before and he wasn't quite sure what to do with it.

After cutting it up into more manageable pieces, he tried it. Once he got over the initial shock of having a different textured food in his mouth, he really liked it. Of course, what food doesn't he like? :)

After pizza, we lit the candles, sang Happy Birthday, and cut the cake. Once again, Parker wasn't quite sure what to do with it. He just sat there and stared at it for about a minute.

Then we gave him a spoon to use. Although he doesn't know how to use it properly, sometimes putting a little food on it (in this case cake) and putting it in his mouth, helps to get him going. He didn't eat much of the cake, in part because a good portion of it ended up on his face.

Then it was time to open presents. This is the tunnel that Great Aunt Susan got him. He loves tunnels. We play in them all the time at Gymboree. When he was younger, he was scared of tunnels, but now they are so much fun and he really likes the one he got for his birthday. Thanks!

Aunt Megan gave Parker a wagon that contained big legos. Parker loves to play with the legos. He mostly destroys the creations his dad makes, but that it ok. We like to play build and destroy before bed sometimes. Thanks Aunt Megan!

Once everyone left, we got cleaned up and Parker put on his Batman outfit. We got this when we visited Six Flags in San Antonio over the Memorial Day weekend. Doesn't he look like a superhero?

Finally, the morning after Parker's first birthday, we all got up and made breakfast. You can see here that Parker was a good helper for his dad. He offered to shake the pancake mix while the skillet was heating up.

So, all-in-all it was a great birthday. Thanks to everyone who came over and shared it with us. Thanks for all the wonderful gifts. Parker really loves everything he got. We hope to see you all again really soon. Lots of love!

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