Monday, August 16, 2010

Parker's first haircut

On Saturday, we took Parker to get his first official haircut. Technically, I had given him a few haircuts prior to Saturday, but they weren't full haircuts. Instead, they just entailed trimming over the ears and eyes.

For the most part, he did really well. He did cry and fight a little bit, but he was also happy and still part of the time. Of course, we had to distract him almost the whole time with bubbles. Parker loves bubbles.

We took him to a place called Pigtails and Crewcuts. He got to sit in the fire engine chair. Below are some of the best photos of this milestone event.

The finished product! :) Doesn't he look different? He looks so grown up with his hair cut. Although the curls are cute, I do think he looks more like a little boy now. He is growing up so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Sad to see the curls go but I love the haircut. He does look like such a little boy now!
