Sunday, July 10, 2011

Parker is 2!

Today is Parker's official 2nd Birthday. He technically won't be 2 for another hour and a half, but it's close enough. Parker celebrated his birthday with his friends and extended family a few weeks ago at Chuck E Cheese. You can see a few of the pictures his Aunt Megan took here.

Today, his mom and I celebrated his real birthday with him by opening the rest of his presents. We actually gave him a little cookie cake last night as you can see below.

So far today we have played with our new toys, been to Gymboree, and ate lunch. Currently, Parker is taking a nap. Once he gets up, we will probably play with more of his toys and then go to the pool for a little while. We love the pool!

Thanks to everyone who made the trip to be with us for Parker's very special day. I will update the blog with more photos and adventures throughout the summer.

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