Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two Years

I wrote this poem a few months ago on a flight from Houston to Seattle. I have not shared it with anyone, until today. I was saving it for this occasion.

Two years have gone, just like that.
From zero to now in nothing flat.

I should have known, for I was told,
In a blink of an eye, you'd be two years old.

As I now reflect on those early days,
I now know why they used to say,

"Enjoy every moment, for it won't last.
Kids these days grow up so fast."

Two years have gone, and I still recall,
My sister pacing in the hospital hall.

I remember your hair and cute button nose.
And counting, twice, your fingers and toes.

But that first week, you wouldn't take your food.
So, instead your were fed through a tube.

We went to the hospital religiously,
Just to hold and feed you, albeit briefly.

Connected to machines, it was tough to see.
To know you now though, it's hard to believe.

You devour most anything in your sight.
Rarely a crumb remains, let alone a bite.

As you've grown older, my love has too.
There is nothing more important to me than you.

The time we spend together doing fun things,
Fills me with joy and makes my heart sing.

Two years have gone and all I can do,
Is look forward to many more years with you!

I love you, Parker!

- Daddy

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Happy Birthday, Parker! I love you so very much!
