Sunday, June 27, 2010


You guessed it... Parker got a hold of my Flip Mino. I was taking some video of him doing a funny thing and he noticed me. Then he noticed the Flip. He started coming for me as you can see here.

I was able to move the Flip quickly enough that he didn't get it the first time he tried for it, but he doesn't give up easy. In fact, I thought I had hidden it from him, but he kept looking for it until he found it. Then he took off with it. Check out the ParkerCam (if you get queasy watching shaky video, please proceed with caution!)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Making progress...

Today was Father's Day and it was good. Parker woke me up with my gift. He even helped me unwrap it (sort of). I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a new iPad. Really cool!!! We are going to have a lot of fun playing games and reading stories on it.

After we had breakfast, we went to Gymboree. I have been wanting to show you all how well Parker is crawling now. It won't be long before he will be walking. Check out this video of Parker chasing me before we started our class today.

Then, the teacher was starting to pass out maracas. All the kids were waiting patiently, except Parker. He wasn't rude, but he simply crawled up to the teacher and looked at her and grabbed two maracas. She then told all the kids to come get their own maracas if they wanted to. Parker, without help from anyone, grabbed these two maracas. I couldn't believe it... orange and blue! I think he is getting ready for his freshman year at Auburn. :)

Father's Day at Parker's school

Parker's school held a Father's Day event on Friday. I was fortunate enough to be able to take the afternoon off to attend with the P-man. I picked him up a little after 10:00 a.m. and we went out to the play field. It was really hot, but we liked being outside. Most of the events were running or walking events and since Parker can't do either of those quite yet, we just sat and watched. We had fun.

After about 30 minutes, we moved under the food pavilion to find the shade. At 11:00 a.m. they started serving lunch, so Parker and I got in line. The line was moving slow. After about 20 minutes, I finally made it to the food, Parker didn't. He was so tired, he had fallen asleep in my arms with his head on my left shoulder. I ate as best as I could with only one hand and then I took him back to school. I was able to put him in his crib without waking him up. :)

All-in-all it was a fun experience to be there with my son. Maybe next time we will get to participate a little more. I love you, Parker!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Parker is driving!

Yep, you read that correctly. Parker is driving. Of course, he is driving a car at Six Flags, but hey, he's only 11 months old! :) He was so cute. He could barely reach the steering wheel, but he did his best.

More from the trip to Six Flags

Well, sorry this has taken me so long, but it has been very busy at work. Christen is busy with the oil spill and I am spending a lot of time in Seattle for the new toll bridge. Anyway, I wanted to post some pictures from the trip to Six Flags Fiesta Texas. I think Parker had a great time. I know I really enjoyed seeing him experience so many new things. Check out all the great pictures I took of my little man!

The first morning there, we took Parker for a walk on the grounds of the hotel. It was a very nice place and they had a lot of great picture taking opportunities. Here Parker is sitting on a wooden bench.

Here Parker is doing some rock climbing. Okay, he's not really "climbing", but hey, he's only 11 months old!

Here Parker is showing off how he can sit in a big boy chair. This happens to be a rocking chair, but he still likes to show everyone how much he has grown.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Parker. Here he is riding on the Looney Tunes train and he is loving it. Of course, it was hot and sunny that day, so he was wearing his stylish hat. :)

And last, but not least, this picture is of Parker on a merry-go-round. He loves them and we take a ride anytime we are near one.

Parker's school picture

Here is a quick post with a recent picture of Parker taken at school. I had to retouch it a litte, but I think it is a cute picture of him. Of course, I am WAY biased! :)