Sunday, June 20, 2010

Making progress...

Today was Father's Day and it was good. Parker woke me up with my gift. He even helped me unwrap it (sort of). I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a new iPad. Really cool!!! We are going to have a lot of fun playing games and reading stories on it.

After we had breakfast, we went to Gymboree. I have been wanting to show you all how well Parker is crawling now. It won't be long before he will be walking. Check out this video of Parker chasing me before we started our class today.

Then, the teacher was starting to pass out maracas. All the kids were waiting patiently, except Parker. He wasn't rude, but he simply crawled up to the teacher and looked at her and grabbed two maracas. She then told all the kids to come get their own maracas if they wanted to. Parker, without help from anyone, grabbed these two maracas. I couldn't believe it... orange and blue! I think he is getting ready for his freshman year at Auburn. :)

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