Saturday, May 23, 2009

Having Fun in Sedona

This is the morning of our third day in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Unfortunately, we have had uncooperative weather so far. It's been raining here almost non-stop since we arrived Thursday afternoon. But we have still had fun so far. Even though it was raining, we spent our first day walking around town, we ate at a good restaurant, and we even bought a few trinkets for friends and family.

This was the view from our balcony on Friday morning, our second day in Sedona.

Since we figured it would be raining most of the day yesterday, we decided to take a road trip to try to escape the weather. So we jumped in the car and hit the road, stopping in Winslow, Meteor Crater, Flagstaff, and the Grand Canyon. More posts will follow describing those adventures. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun. More pictures, please. I want to see the Grand Canyon!
