Saturday, May 23, 2009

Standing on the Corner in Winslow, Arizona

Yes, I actually was "standing on the corner" as the Eagles' song goes. In fact, the corner is very well marked as you can see in the picture below.

The funny thing is, there are souvenir stores on two of the three other corners and they were both blasting Eagles' tunes loud enough to be heard from half a block away. Kinda funny. Anyway, we stood on the corner for a bit and then we walked around the town. I had to buy some postcards and mail them from Winslow. The guy at the post office was nice. He was in awe of my Nikon D2X camera. Many people are. It is a massive piece of hardware. But I digress... He offered to hand postmark the postcards for me instead of just running them through the machine. So I took him up on that offer.

Of course, Winslow is a stop on the once famed Route 66, so we had to drive the historic road. I snapped this picture of a street sign indicating the route as you enter Winslow from the west.

Of course, the trip down Route 66 is much different than it used to be. There aren't as many unique local stops along the way. A lot of those places couldn't survive once the Interstates came through. It is sad, but I guess it is just evolution. As all things evolve, the past fades away. If we don't move toward the future, we get stuck in the past. But I love old things and I really liked driving Route 66 and checking out the things that were still there.

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